The model and serial number is located on the product's rating plate. The most common location for the tag is at the rear of the unit. Other locations include:

Top Freezer Refrigerators


  • On the rear of the unit, toward the bottom.

French Door Refrigerators


  • On the left side wall inside the fresh food compartment (next to the crispers).

Compact Refrigerators (Including Beverage Centers)


  • On the rear of the unit.
  • At the top left corner, on the left side wall inside the compartment, just above the top shelf.

Under Counter Refrigerators (Dual Drawer)


  • On the outside of the drawer when it is open, on the left side.

Wine Cellars


  • At the top left corner, on the left side wall inside the compartment, just above the top wine rack.

Chest Freezers


  • On the rear of the unit, just below the hinge.